Saturday, May 16, 2009

0-less me

I have come to love the questions...the unfolding comes when least expected, and generally provides more questions!
...sometimes one sets out to restore, but experiences instead- new ways, new life. That has been my personal experience, the moment of most profound doubt giving way to profound hope- though thoroughly hand in hand with suffering.

Rolled a plow, it had a mind of it's own- back on me it flipped. I have a bruise clear down to the bone that looks like an angry sky right before all hell breaks loose. And I am once again, grounded. Not much patience do I have...I am learning. And reading. And wondering...
(And Grandma is staying with her sister for awhile, this is very good. Thank you for all your well wishes and prayers, each one counted.)


Anonymous said...

Your keyboard is killing me. The sad thing is, I understood everything you wrote. Maybe b/c I had a few too many drinks Saturday and I actually talked like that, haha. I'm emailing you a funny story one of my friends wrote last week when we were bored. He is a writing wiz. I hope you like it. It made me giggle. I hope you feel better!!

Love, Rhi

troutbirder said...

dang computers...

bam said...

o, darlin. i am soooo late to hear this. but saddened nonetheless. i cannot imagine you hurting without wanting to curl up and cry, or race down with soothing things.....sorry to read of flipped over plow. oh lordy..