Monday, June 15, 2009

a heap of effort

In three weeks time we have done so much to make this little place of heaven I call home- even more gorgeous. My Big Fish has been here with his shoulder to the heave, sweat upon his brow, loving kind and gentle as always. He made his exit yesterday, late and lacking a proper gate time, missed his plane although he never complained at all. We made a bed out of doors and slept under the stars, as if we were in a palace made for two under the Almighty's right gaze. Each morning he greeted me with "Hello sweetheart, what's on the agenda today?" And it never mattered even one little bit if there was too much upon the plate, he dug right in, consumed with love and loyalty and a strong gentleness I have never known in another, I miss him so right now. But! The walls and floors, the attic and sheds, all done up right and ready for the next most bless-ed inhabitants. (And I could not have whipped it all into shape without the help of my most devoted friends- I truly do not know what I ever did in this life to deserve such loving support and encouragement.)

Moving is like molasses in a straw, sure takes a heap of effort to get it fluidly in motion. There hasn't been a day since I last wrote that hasn't been an all consuming moving experience. (Though moving is not the proper word...) This isn't moving, this is trudging along, a heave and a ho and a let that thing go, throw that thing away and wait a minute...that goes in my "Mom" box - just because.

Flat tires on old trucks, trees missing limbs, cedars splitting down the middle, Etta finding her way under my tire, (she's OK, her little leg is awful sore though), sleeping in a truck bed, sleek shiny floors, wet painted walls, flowers all in bloom, lawn looking lush- oh why oh why didn't I leave three months ago? Wouldn't have mattered I suppose, always beautiful, this place called Beauregards, always something, always more...winter spring summer fall, memories galore, tears and laughter joy and pain, wouldn't trade any of it, not an ounce of misfortune or beautiful remnant from a most beautiful day.

Waiting on an offer, offering more than anyone can know on first glance. This place will grow on a person's soul and they'll know what I know if their eyes are open and their hearts are true.

Listed and such last week, love for sale...freedom from the fray and Oh! The sunsets...

Take care-


Anonymous said...

doing the same thing with our farm. Mom and Sara, Jordan and I are selling our homes/farms and moving to North Carolina. Our farm doesn't have the personality that yours does but the fact that we offer a place to get away from the rat race is by far a motivational tool. Your once loyal customer from HF and a few times mowing your lawn Dan.

Jayne said...

Moving forward has aches and blessings for sure.... :c)

Anonymous said...

I'm happy that you and your Big Fish were able to get so much done. Any time I start to feel sad about you leaving I think about when you told me how alive it will be when someone new loves it :) Good luck!!

Love, Rhi

troutbirder said...

My kind of place for sure. It was hard to move from the house our children grew up.