Wednesday, January 6, 2010

one bumbling moose

Good morning!

Blogging has taken a back seat once again to the activities at hand...we are stripping the Big Fish's home of all the clunkers and redoing it like a proper New England home.  Toothpaste green walls had to they're a neutral white and the cabinets, handmade by my BF- have been painted a dried Thyme color.  My hidden weapon to accentuate is Barn Red, the Big Fish doesn't know that yet...when he's out of the house, I paint.  I abhor painting, my daughters are mystified to learn that I have actually taken paint brush in hand and am keeping it in between the lines.  Yes girls...mama is stirring up the colors so as not to go stir crazy.  We also plan to redo the flooring as soon as the paint dries...from a four bedroom massive farmhouse to a small cozy loft- the changes are mighty intimate.Yesterday we traveled to Augusta for the man's Dr. appointments, while there- we checked out an old claw foot bathtub- complete with claws of cast iron, completely beautiful.  We paid the nice folks for their "trash" and now the new "treasure" to us is sitting idly by in the back of the pickup truck- waiting for it's new reign in the new bathroom downstairs.  And I'll have to paint again, once the walls are finished.  My nest building is getting a bit out of hand...

The wonders of Maine influence me cabin is not yet attainable, so we decided to fix up the Big Fish's place for out of state visitors and soon hopefully, we'll be renovating a cabin for us or vice versa.  When in Maine- Muster!...spirit, strength and decor.  Oh my!  Back to those glorious wonders I have seen thus far:
  One giant sized whale, one bumbling moose, numerous Juncos, Nuthatches, Chickadees, Crows (these are the big boys, they're everywhere looming LARGE), Eagles, Wild Turkeys running amok along the roadways, one Maine Deer (Bambi looking creatures...)and my favorite sighting, could watch them all day- the ever fun-loving otter!  Where ever there is an open patch of sea surrounded by ice- there the little otters frolic and play, slipping in and out of the ice cold waters- seemingly oblivious to binocular'd wonderers such as I.  

Have a great January day...I have a fire burning, dissected cabinets and a Toyota to attend to-

Take care!


Anonymous said...

It will be amazing though when you get everything done!! I was spoiled by our clawfoot tub. I don't like the new ones b/c they don't hold as much water :) I can't wait to see pictures of your changes ... please share!!

Love, Rhi

troutbirder said...

busy busy busy. And when I visit my brother in northern Minn. those twilight moose on the road scare the heck out of me. Compared to the whitetails that I've dented front ends on they are SO BIG!

Jane said...

Good luck with all of the renovations!


Jayne said...

Well, toothpaste green walls will motivate a girl to action! :c) So glad to hear that you are nesting away in your new home and loving each and every glorious thing about being in Maine. Happy New Year my friend!