Monday, August 16, 2010

the black with the blue


The world is busy with itself, creating more than destroying, loving more- I say, than hating...oil in places that keep the whole circle going, but there is a lube job going on- the oil spill that needed not ever be that should have been backed up with every viable back up system in place, with people at the ready to hold accountable every back up with more of a back up system.   I do hold accountable the BPs and the EPA and the governing authorities for not having those safeguards, from A to Z- protecting our oceans and seashores and human life and all of nature.  There is no reason in it- my Granny always said- to allow such things to happen.
  Ah, but the blackberries need picking...

And they are free...

For all...

To take...

While there is still time...

And nature is in it's place...

Safe and wild...

The Blackberry is on the vine, plump and full...

Thorny and oh so ready...

To be picked.

So with a sigh and a surrender, I will take up this bucket- this very homemade bucket and do all I can do today to be grateful for this wild freedom I know here in Maine, that I lay claim to.  And when I put my head down tonight, I will be thankful for the blackberry.  And I'll ask for only- more faith so that I may take the black with the blue, that I might not be so ladened with trouble that I cannot see the good here still, in this world.  I'll remember how it was to walk down that sunny road, dusty and desperate to fill a bucket full of goodness, freedom and all this and all for the taking.  

 In the winter time, my sunny days remembered when others may forget- I will share the jars of jam.  And you might say-"Is it seedless?" and of course I will remark, "No, never...there is always a seed, no matter the process."  And in a way- you'll know what I mean and you won't mind anyway- the jam being free and good.  

And oil spills, being a thing of the past if all the cover ups convey all the lies in the truth...the powers that be will have us believe we were in a bind but the bigiwigs got us out of it by buying more bigwig bonanza, and people will quickly forget about BP and Blackberries and freedom...until those seeds sprout again.  

Take care-


Jane said...

Such a well written post. I love your analogy here.


Jayne said...

So much raw truth there my friend. Beautifully stated.