Friday, March 21, 2008

the brightest of days

"To sacrifice something is to make it holy by giving it away for love."
Frederick Buechner

Good Friday to you...
The peas are in the ground as of yesterday afternoon, along with turnips and lettuce and Tatsoi and spinach and radishes and, oh I forget- I only know my back told me to stop about an hour before I did. But it felt so good, the planting. And this morning urges me to get my onions in the ground before the rains surely come, but again, my wintered back says "just watch it sister!" And I am so glad I started an early planting, because I learned that my Earthway planter is set to be retired- seems like every foot or so I had to smack it to get it to release seeds. A somewhat frustrating though good lesson in patience...I didn't even cuss, only smiled. Another lesson in patience is planting the oh so tiny lettuce seeds- when the wind blows even slightly, the little seeds leave their row, flying out of the boundaries of the safety of straight lines into the hoeing zone where weeds find a home. Yep, I sure need that new Earthway...and soon.

And this day finds me again in a remembrance of Easter's past, of coloring eggs and making up baskets and finding just the right kite for each child. Yes, Easter is kites and bubbles and jelly beans and the finest of dresses and hats for two little lovely girls and big bright ties for the boys. And the pictures! Always the pictures of the faces, filled with anticipation-"Where did mama hide the eggs? In the crook of the old Maple out front? In the Iris patch? In the watering can?" And the hunt took place with squeals of laughter and racing hearts and feet...the big ones leaving the easiest found eggs for the little ones. After the egg hunt was up, off to church- the brightest of days there. Everyone dressed up, Easter Lilies set around the altar, their fragrance floating above each pew, the creamy white blossoms signifying anew, resurrection.

Remembering, planting seeds, missing someone...and holding it all up to memories mirror, the reflection shows love, only love. Good Friday. Peace be with you, take care-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

beautiful true, bless you for once again taking me into your fields, and then onto your easters past. bless you for letting me watch all the sweet little feet, tripping up stairs, past odd clumps of grass. bless you for brightening my day. it needed it. sending love. city girl (p.s. we have buckets of white stuff out our window. i sure hope it steered clear of you and your hundreds of thousands of sweet baby seeds....)