Monday, September 1, 2008

To September

Sunflowers bow-
bending at their brown
dried knees
no longer following
the sun
humbled now, they fade

Spiders busier-
by night they spin
sunrise casts first light
on their dew drop craft-
intricate lines
of deception

Birds and more birds
gather on lines and poles
like little feathered men
assembled in rows
something startles one
-off they all fly madly

Sun rise bothers not
to wake me these days
I am the one who shakes
to rise and shine-
a bucket of cracked corn
rattled like an alarm

As for the moon-
too early he rises
in a golden way
hypnotizing me,
early yawns follow-
triumphantly he glows

When sun and moon together
compress the day
between horizons
of awe and wonder-
daylight beaten,
I surrender...

To September.
by T.L. Starks 2008

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh, lord, you leave me limp. your words are clarion call--to wake up. to inhale. to absorb. to expand. to beat my heart in double time. to take nothing, nothing, for granted. someone call the publisher please.....the world must hear these words...