Friday, February 29, 2008

to sing to it sweetly

As the sap runs in the Maples these days, it runs in me as well. Spring has begun the thaw in my veins, I feel a thinner blood coursing there. The tonic I take does not derive itself from digging Sassafras or searching the ground, yet- for new green... it is the bird songs, the new tunes I'm hearing these days that really gets my blood flowing.
As I exited the truck yesterday after work, heading straight for the chicken coop to gather eggs, petting the heads of the ever playful, faithful Gideon and Gracie(faithful as in waiting for perhaps a cracked egg to be tossed their way...)I noticed the newest singer on the farm. The melody stopped me in my tracks. Did it come from the pines? Yes, it sounded like it came from over, off my course I wandered-must have gotten to close, for the shrill whistles stopped for a time. I stood, still... and waited for the music, the song of Spring...I could not detect the little bird making the sound with my eyes, though thankfully, as I listened-the song began again. I found myself a happy spot there, in that moment...the experience welling up in me as a yearning, an awakening too-and a putting to bed, almost- of the harsh cold winter.
I find winter can be, at this time of year especially- like a child who is too sleepy, disgruntled, dragging it's feet before it retires...whining in winds, crying in precipitation like tears from rain storms, and even still-an ice and snow covering as it's security blanket. Perhaps that is why the little birds help put winter to bed, to sing to it sweetly- a lullaby of Spring.
Beautiful day to you, take care-


Lorrie said...

Beautiful post, this is! Like you, I get easily side-tracked outdoors. It's kind of like ADD, I guess. I'm off to the chicken pen to feed them and get eggs, but oh, there's one of those pesky weeds I've been pulling from the yard for years- better get that now- oh, and another. And another. Wow! Shelby (the gopher tortoise) is out of its hole! Lemme go see what Shelby's up to. The darn dog dragged out this flower pot again, better pick that up. Oooooh, my red sister is sprouting new leaves- how pretty. And on and on, until sometimes, I'm back in the house before I realize, crap! I have to feed the chickens and get the eggs.

truewonder said...

Ohhhh, you make me smile!! Love it. Now that's living sister-like chickens with our head's cut off. Thanks for visiting...

Anonymous said...

absolutely vintage TRUE! it's why i love what you do and how you do it.....that is soooo gorgeous. i too think i'll write soon about the spring in the air, despite the mounds of white and the ice i must be careful of....i had never thought, though, of the birdsong as the lullabye putting ol' whiny cranky winter to bed. and now i will never ever forget. bless you. sending armloads full of love, and gratitude.....citygirl

Jan said...

oh you write so beautifully. i am feeling like this right now too. an antzy (sp?) feeling to get outside and dig in the dirt, watch the bulbs pop up, feel the smooth, cool, soft breeze. I'm SOOO ready for spring. My Seasonal Affective Disorder seems to be lifting!!!

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